
  • source:

  • example code:

  • scalar PDE with unknown function \(u(x,t)\) of two independent variables

  • discretization:

    • first-order upwind finite differences in space,

    • backward Euler in time

The advection equation in 1D space is a partial differential equation that governs the motion of a scalar quantity, \(u(x,t)\), subject to a known nonzero (constant) flow speed, \(c\). The governing equation is given by

\[u_t + cu_x = 0 \;\;\text{ in } \;[a, b]\times(t_0, t_{end}]\;\; \text{ with }\; u(x, t_0) = u_0(x),\]

and subject to some boundary conditions in space.

While parallel-in-time algorithms are known to work well for parabolic problems, most methods show instabilities or poor convergence for hyperbolic problems. The advection equation has proven to be a critical test problem and is therefore included in PyMGRIT. However, the discretization considered in PyMGRIT’s 1D advection application is highly diffusive and does not capture the exact solution.

In, advection subject to flow speed \(c = 1\), in the domain \([-1,1]\times[0,2]\) is considered with periodic boundary conditions in space and subject to the initial condition \(u(x,0) = e^{-x^2}\).

initial condition and solution of 1D advection problem